November 19, 2012

Boy, oh, Boy!

With other avenues of social media connecting many of us, it isn't new news...

but baby BOY made his appearance on November 2nd, weighing in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and measuring a gangly 21 inches long.  (For reference, he was almost 2" longer than his sisters when they were born and weighed in between the two.  I think he's going to get some height from his Dad, thankfully.)

I was scheduled for a c-section on Tuesday, November 6th -- about two weeks before my due date -- to ensure I didn't go into labor on my own, stressing my heart.  At my appointment on the 1st my OB was concerned that baby was getting big and my amniotic fluid levels were getting high.  Both of which were physically putting pressure on my heart/lungs.  He offered to do a c-section that very day but I declined, opting to keep an eye out for warning signs.  I woke up the next day with some shortness of breath, tightness in my chest and just an overall feeling of discomfort.  A late morning call to the OB had us heading to the hospital with bags in tow.

Biggest sister was absolutely thrilled with the news of a baby brother!  Baby sister wasn't quiet so enthused -- not sure if this was related to the raging ear infection and cold she was fighting, or just losing her position in the family as the youngest child.

Even though he came 16 days early, he was perfectly healthy and has been an absolutely easy baby (which was fantastic considering I ended up with bronchitis just after we came home from the hospital!).  We thought we got really lucky with the girls when they were newborns but he makes their early days look challenging.  Hopefully he continues with his laid back personality.

And in other great news, both sisters now give him copious amounts of snuggles and big sister love!


lorem ipsum said...

I love the pictures, especially the last two! Congratulations again on getting both of you home safely! xo

Lisa said...

Aww, it shows how ecstatic big sister is! And that last picture is very sweet. He's so beautiful. Congratulations, and I'm so glad you're doing well.