August 20, 2007

Quick Question

Technically, I'm still on hiatus. Still trying to sort through a bunch of stuff but I need some suggestions. I know that some of you that read this might be able to offer better advice than I can get in other avenues.

Without going into full detail, I've got 4 questions that I need some answers/opinions/suggestions on.
  1. What's the most effective way to wean completely?
  2. How long will it take until my milk dries up ?
  3. How do I get KT to take a bottle from me when she's used to the "good stuff"?
  4. How do I get through the emotional aspect of weaning sooner than I originally hoped to?
And thanks, I appreciate any and all comments.


xtxjxtxex said...

Oh sweetie, I saw your blog through a link on a friend's site (or was it two links?). If something is wrong making weaning necessary, maybe some other btdt mom's can help? Is she still working on teeth? That can definitely be trying a time. I'd love to take a shot at helping if you want to chat. My email is

Sami said...

no clue how to help you, but know I'm here in support of course of whatever you do decide to do in regards to wean or not to wean...

Jessica said...

If I had any suggestions, I'd give them to you, but all I can offer you is support and hugs. Hopefully this process goes quick and painless, and KT will adapt.

I'm just a phone call away if you need to talk...

Love ya...

Marz said...

I can't answer any of your questions, unfortunately, as both my babies were bottle fed, but i just want to wish you good luck in the next big step.

Brenda L said...

Do you have a pump? If you do, you could first switch her to bottles of breast milk and then change the contents slowly to formula (start out with 100% breast milk, then 85% breast milk and 15% formula, 75-25, etc).

How long it takes the milk to dry up varies. I have a friend who has weaned three kids. The first one, she barely noticed the time it took. The last one, it took two weeks of engorgement before her milk went dry.

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I am sorry that you are having to ask for advice on this. I know that you wanted to BF Katie much longer. Hugs to you. I have been researching weaning as well. Try replacing a breastfeeding session each day with a bottle feed instead. I suggest not using the pump, b/c that is just going to tell your body to keep your supply up and keep producing. To help with the engorgement try cabbage leaves (google it for how to use them) and tylenol. It is going to take Katie and yourself a while to get used to the fact that she isn't getting boobies anymore, but once she realizes that the bottle is her only option she will take it much more willingly. I am not sure how long it will take for your milk to dry up - i think it varies.

The emotional aspect will be the toughest (I assume). Mandy - you did GREAT! You have nursed KT for 9 months - what an amazing accomplishment. Kudos to you for hitting that milestone. I don't know all the details, but it sounds as if you don't really WANT to stop, but are having to. Try to find comfort in the fact that you aren't just quitting or giving up, but that you have done everything in your power to BF as long as you have. You have given Katie a great gift and some day she will thank you for that. Hugs to you. You, Katie, (& Cris) will get through this :).