January 19, 2008

In Other News

This week has been crazy around our house.

After KT's puking episode on Saturday afternoon/evening we have yet to have anymore. Thankfully. She's now an eating monster and will just about take off the tip of your finger with her snapping jaws if you tried to feed her something directly. I've learned that it's much easier (and safer) to put it on the highchair tray or in your hand and let her feed herself.

I've had 2 separate episodes this week of "drop everything and do THIS right now because it's due tomorrow". One email was sent Tuesday night at 10pm; the report was due Wednesday at noon. Don't mind the fact that I had sent the rough draft in 10 days earlier for their review. The second was in regards to my annual evaluation. Thursday, just before 5pm I get another email stating that annual evaluations need to be turned in on Friday. I got my part done but never heard a word back from my boss. My guess is that it's not turned in since I needed to check a box stating I agreed with the overall ratings and sign it. Gee. I wonder how not turning it in on time is going to affect my evaluation.

I'm also sick with some random, mysterious illness this week. Just weird hot flashes, nausea and vomiting. I'm lucky to keep one meal down a day. Good news is that I've lost 4 pounds in a week. Bad news is that I have no energy because my calorie consumption is so low. This is not good when the tiny terror tornado is wreaking havoc on my home and I need to deal with last minute, overlooked projects.

It's been a wonderful start to 2008. Maybe February will be better.


Marci said...

Ugh - only 20 days into the new year and you've had your share of fun and then some.

Here's hoping you're on the rebound soon and February definitely HAS to be better.

Anonymous said...

xoxo from roseville, mi

Marz said...

Ummm... you're dropping everything & you have morning sick type symptoms?
Have you taken a pregnancy test lately?
Glad KT is doing better :-)

Kristin, Rod, and Victoria said...

Maybe you're getting all the stress and headaches for all of 2008 over with in January?!?

I know, probably not, but it's a nice thought.

Andrea said...

Ha, I have had a shitty 2008 as well. We can have a pity party! LOL! I hope things start looking up for you soon! :)