August 28, 2006

120/75 and Still Swelling

** I apologize that this may be old news for some of you. This is the first chance that I've had to update here on the blog. **

Thursday morning of last week, the 24th, I broke down and called the doctor's office about the edema. It had been improving at night. I would wake up in the morning and my ankles would look like they were normal size, although sore from the previous day's swelling. When I woke up Thursday morning it wasn't much better than the night before and the swelling had moved into my arms. My hands were randomly falling asleep and it was painful to flex my fingers. The swelling was also so bad in my right leg that I couldn't bend my knee or barely life my leg off the ground. I figured it was time to be seen by someone.

Upon checking my vitals at the appointment, it was quickly ruled out that the edema is NOT related to toxemia. Thankfully. My blood pressure is still really good and there was no protein when they ran the urinalysis. Unfortunately my weight had jumped 12 pounds in 3 weeks; much of which the nurse was attributing to the water retention. The baby was also measuring slightly over 32 weeks (based on fundal height). The nurse practitioner that I met with was concerned about the swelling, the weight gain and the jump in the baby's measurement.

They drew some blood so check my albumin levels and to rule out anemia. The initial concern is that I'm not getting enough protein and that's contributing to the swelling. Second concern was with gestational diabetes so they bumped my glucose tolerance test from Wednesday (30th) until just after lunch today.

I haven't gotten the results from the bloodwork yet. I was told however to continue doing what I had been doing -- drinking lots of water, staying off my feet and keeping them elevated, watching my blood pressure. And to start getting more protein in my diet.

Progress is being made on the house, albeit still slow. I think we underestimated the size of the project when we started. Plus both C and I are perfectionisits--we're learning to let quite a bit slide on this project. We're no where near where we wanted to be by today. It's going to make moving this week very interesting. We HAVE to be out of the condo on Thursday as they have offered its use to a new employee starting Monday of next week. Our goal is to get the master bedroom finished (all that is left in there is to paint the trim and do touch-ups) so we can at least have a place to sleep; followed by the master bathroom so we can have a place to shower; and lastly, the accent wall in the kitchen so we can get our fridge moved in and can have food in the house. We've already accepted the idea that most of our stuff will stay in storage and will gradually be moved as rooms are finished at the new house. Not the ideal situation, but we'll make it work.

Many people have been sending e-mails, checking in to see how I'm doing. I apologize that the majority of those have not been responded to. I'll try to keep updating the blog so that you know what's going on and I'll work through the e-mails as I get a chance.

I'm off to get my feet elevated for a while. Ugh.


Sami said...

Good goly - you may want to word verify your comments - just a thought.

Anyways - hope the GTT went well. Happy Birthday! Also I hope the other bloodwork comes back okay. I pray that you guys are able to drop your perfectionism so that you can get into your house asap and that the rest of the move goes smoothly. Good luck. Thinking of you.